- rise
- подниматься
имя существительное:
рост (growth, increase, rise, growing, height, expansion)подъем (rise, lifting, lift, climb, ascent, upsurge)повышение (rise, raise, rising, elevation, hike, advance)увеличение (increase, magnification, enlargement, growth, rise, augmentation)восход (rise, sunrise, rising, uprise)начало (start, starting, beginning, outbreak, origin, rise)восстание (uprising, insurrection, rebellion, revolt, rising, rise)поднятие (raise, lift, rise, elevation, rising, hoist)возвышение (elevation, Hill, rise, exaltation, dais, eminence)возвышенность (elevation, hill, rise, sublimity, height, eminence)движение (movement, motion, traffic, move, go, rise)продвижение (promotion, advance, advancement, progress, progression, rise)улучшение (improvement, enhancement, betterment, amelioration, development, rise)происхождение (origin, descent, birth, Genesis, background, rise)прибавка (increase, increment, raise, rise, allowance)исток (source, rise, headspring, effluent)холм (hill, mound, knoll, rise, mount, Down)провес (SAG, deflection, deflexion, rise)стрела (boom, arrow, arm, dart, shaft, rise)выход на поверхность (egress, rise, abruption)вынос (rise, gab)клев (nibble, bite, rise)приобретение веса (rise)сбег (rise)выпор (riser, vent, airhole, rise)подъем на поверхность (rise)восстающая выработка (raise, rise)глагол:подниматься (rise, lift, climb, raise, go up, get up)повышаться (rise, go up, advance, mount, heighten, jump)возрасти (increase, rise, grow)возрастать (increase, rise, redouble, run high)увеличиваться (increase, grow, rise, enlarge, swell, multiply)вставать (get up, stand up, rise, stand, arise, emerge)восходить (rise, ascend, go up, date back, go back, mount)возвышаться (rise, tower, overtop, dominate, swell, overlook)взойти (ascend, rise, mount)восставать (rebel, rise, revolt, arise, rise in revolt, breast)всходить (rise, ascend, mount, come up, braird, spring)усиливаться (strengthen, increase, intensify, grow, rise, become stronger)возникать (arise, emerge, originate, spring, rise, crop up)возноситься (rise, become haughty, Tower)воскресать (resurrect, rise, arise, revive, resuscitate, resurge)выдвинуться (move out, rise, come to the front, succeed in life, get on)воспрянуть (rise, cheer up, jump up, leap up)продвигаться (advance, push, carry forward, get ahead, rise, get along)выдвигаться (push, rise, be promoted, come forward, run out, get on)подниматься на поверхность (rise)выращивать (grow, cultivate, raise, rear, nurture, rise)закрываться (close, shut, close up, overcast, rise)приобретать вес (rise)приобретать влияние (rise)подходить (approach, come, fit, suit, nigh, rise)прекращать работу (shut down, close down, drop, rise)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.